Gum Recession Treatment in Phoenix, AZ
Are you noticing changes in your smile, such as shrinking gums or exposed tooth roots? Perhaps you've experienced bad breath, bleeding after brushing, or increased tooth sensitivity. These could be signs of gum recession, a common dental concern that, if left untreated, may impact both the aesthetics of your smile and your overall oral health.
At Smile Dental Studio in Phoenix, we understand the importance of a healthy and beautiful smile. Our dedicated team is here to provide effective gum recession treatment in Phoenix, tailored to your unique needs. Discover how our comprehensive approach to dental care can help you regain confidence in your smile and promote long-term oral well-being.
For many patients, solutions for gum recession can enhance both their appearance and overall dental health. Gum recession can happen even to people with good oral hygiene. There are many options available to treat receding gums.
Several factors can cause a person's gums to recede, regardless of the state of their oral hygiene. These include aggressive toothbrushing, body piercing, clenching or grinding teeth, crooked teeth or a misaligned bite, hormonal changes, insufficient dental care, periodontal disease, and tobacco products. Genetics may also be a factor. For example, parents may pass down weak, thin gums to their children.
Solutions for gum recession are available at Smile Dental Studio in Phoenix and the surrounding area.
For some patients, gum recession may set in subtly and go unnoticed for some time. The aesthetic changes following gum recession are the most apparent. These include visibly shrinking gums and exposed tooth roots. However, other common symptoms include:
Bad breath
Bleeding after brushing
Red, swollen gums
Pain at thegum line
Loose teeth
Some cases of gum recession are mild enough that they do not need treatment. Still, several treatment options are available for those who need it.
Composite Restoration
Composite restorations are natural-looking, tooth-colored composite resins that cover the surface of the tooth root. They may be used to close any black gaps between the teeth.
Desensitizing Agents, Varnishes, Dentin Bonding Agents
May help reduce the exposed tooth root's sensitivity. By lessening the nerve symptoms, desensitizing agents may ease the brushing of sensitive teeth and promote oral hygiene.
Orthodontics (or braces) are more of a long-term treatment that moves a tooth slowly over time. This repositioning can help correct the margin of the gum.
Pink Porcelain or Composite
Matches the color of the gums can be applied to the "gaps" to reduce the appearance of receded gums. Similarly, removable gum veneers, which usually consist of acrylic or silicone, can be applied in the "gaps."
More severe cases of gum recession may necessitate surgery, usually a gum graft.
Proper dental care is the number one way to prevent gum recession. This involves maintaining a routine where patients brush their teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush at least twice daily and floss at least once daily. Patients should also see a dentist at least twice a year. At-risk patients may require more frequent visits, and a dentist that notices signs of gum recession may want to keep a vigilant watch that it does not worsen.
It can be dangerous to leave gum recession untreated. Exposed tooth roots may decay very quickly, necessitating various expensive, painful procedures. Teeth may get more sensitive, and the appearance of the smile may become imbalanced. It is also possible that what patients are experiencing is not gum recession but undetected, worsening gum disease.
Embarking on gum recession treatment at Smile Dental Studio in Phoenix offers more than just a solution to exposed roots. Our comprehensive approach extends beyond restoring gum tissue, providing a range of benefits that positively impact your overall oral well-being. Discover the transformative advantages awaiting you:
Improved Aesthetics
Restoring gum tissue enhances the appearance of your smile.
Reduced Sensitivity
Treatment options can alleviate tooth sensitivity caused by exposed roots.
Preservation of Oral Health
Addressing gum recession prevents further bone loss and potential tooth loss.
Balanced Smile
Restoring the gum line contributes to a more balanced and harmonious smile.
Is gum recession correlated with bone loss?
Yes. The bone around the tooth dissolves when the gum recedes. It is crucial to address gum recession right away to prevent further bone loss.
Will gum grafting cover all my exposed tooth roots?
Some teeth are easier to treat with gum grafting than others. Teeth with long, exposed roots, fillings, or notches can be difficult to cover, as can teeth with lost bone between the teeth. Early treatment is key for optimum results. Our team can help go over the options with you.
Can poor-fitting partial dentures cause gum recession?
Anything that causes excess wear and tear on the gums and jaw can contribute to gum recession. Contact us if you are unsure if your dentures are fitting correctly.
How is gum recession diagnosed?
Our team will start by reviewing your medical history to identify any factors that could be causing or aggravating your symptoms. Then, you will undergo an examination to look for any plaque and tartar buildup, along with any easy bleeding. The dentist will then measure the pocket depth of the groove between your gums and teeth. If necessary, our team will take X-rays to check for any bone loss.
Can gum recession cause me to lose teeth?
Yes. Gum recession involves the loss of attached tissue, which protects the tooth and gums from any foreign materials that can infect the bone. Losing the attached tissue leads to a significant loss of bone support for the tooth.
When it comes to gum recession treatment in Phoenix, Smile Dental Studio stands out as your dedicated partner in oral care. Our commitment to excellence and your well-being sets us apart. Here's why choosing Smile Dental Studio is a step towards a healthier, more confident smile:
Patient-Centered Approach
At Smile Dental Studio, your comfort and well-being are our top priorities.
Our experienced team blends expertise with a commitment to delivering effective and personalized gum recession treatment.
Cutting-Edge Technology
We employ state-of-the-art technology and advanced techniques, ensuring the highest quality of care and optimal results.
Trust andPrecision
Rely on us to restore your smile and oral health with utmost care and precision. Your journey to a confident smile begins with Smile Dental Studio.
Don't let gum recession impact your smile and oral health. Schedule an appointment with Smile Dental Studio for personalized and effective gum recession treatment in Phoenix. Call us at 602-789-1131. You can also head over to our contact page for more information. If you’re planning a visit to our dental clinic in Phoenix, please check our driving direction below. Our team is dedicated to restoring your confidence and preserving your beautiful smile. Contact us today for a brighter, healthier future.